Is an Artists Studio & Gallery and Hub for Visionary Art in Byron Bay NSW Australia. We are aligned with Art in Paradise, organising Visionary Art Retreats with well known Visionary Artists from OS, many of whom teach at the Academy of Visionary Arts in Vienna.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Art Pilgrim in Forest Row UK 2013

Oil Painting with Daniel Mirante
In August 2013 I had the opportunity to take part in a 4 day painting workshop with Daniel Mirante & Judith Way in Forest Row,  Sussex, UK. I made new friends & learned a lot about the egg tempera method of mixed media oil painting. Here are some pictures from the workshop.
Daniel Mirante & students at Forest Row

Daniel Mirante's beautiful Painting

Painting at Tobias school Forest Row

Some of the paintings after 3 days work


My painting - in progress

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Thanka Painting Workshop 2013

Thanka painting workshop with Karma Phuntsok
Create your own Buddha with Karma's assistance. No experience required. Following a simple step by step process you can leave with a finished Buddha, ready to hang on your wall.

Karma Phuntsok was born in Tibet and fled to India with his family after the uprising against the Chinese in 1959. Karma studied Thangka Painting with a master of traditional Tibetan Thangka painting in Nepal. Since that time he has been making paintings based on Tibetan Buddhist deities. Karma now resides in northern NSW.
You can see more of Karma's work on his website:
If you would like to be a part of a future workshop of this kind please email:
For more info, costs & materials list email:
There is also basic accommodation at a reasonable extra cost.
On the weekend of March 15-17th 2013 we had a residential Thanka painting workshop at Gallery Cosmosis in Byron Bay with Karma Phuntsok as teacher. There were 4 students, including myself and we painted for the whole 3 days. It was a wonderful & happy experience, & all of the students went home with a very nearly finished Buddha, except for me who is painting the more complex White Tara, it being my 4th workshop.
Kharma Phuntsok
Images from the workshop

Below are some of Karma's beautiful Thanka paintings. 
You can see more of his work at

Paintings below are unedited, on linen taken from the small exhibition we had during the workshop. Apologies...may get around to editing them later!

Friday, 8 February 2013

New Facebook Store linked to Etsy!

Gallery Cosmosis has just opened a Facebook Shopping  featuring the work of Patti Jacobs Art.

It is attached to our Etsy shop

You can now shop (or window shop) inside of Facebook.
Special Offer for first two weeks only (offer open until February 28th): 10% off any purchase through Facebook, just mention this.
PS: PLEASE LIKE my  it really helps me with promotion as I am trying to establish my shop & this is the BEST way!.Thanking you! Cheerio Patti ♥ ♥ ♥
NOW SOLD! A beautiful gold satin lined quilted Queen or King sized Goanna Bed cover
from Gallery Cosmosis with 2 matching pillowcases!
At present on sale for $300!

Synergy Pilates happening at Gallery Cosmosis!

For about the past two months We have had Sean Pollard doing his Synergy & Pilates classes in the Gallery space! He is a wonderful pilates teacher, & we have had up to 14 people squeezed in at a time!
Everyone likes Gallery Cosmosis as a venue for the classes, with the fans going & the doors open it is almost perfect!